Date types

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Last updated: 19/04/2022

Data objects can have a variety of dates associated with them, and they all need to be categorised so that filtering and searching can work correctly. The available date types are listed below. With one exception, types 11 through 19 are all taken from DataCite, and the names and descriptions are identical to those in DataCite. The exception is type 51, which was added by ECRIN.

Types 52 through to 65 were all added to accommodate the different date types found in PubMed data.

id name description applies_to_papers_only use_in_data_entry source
11 Accepted The date that the publisher accepted the resource into their system. To indicate the start of an embargo period, use Submitted or Accepted, as appropriate. false false DataCite
12 Available The date the resource is made publicly available. May be a range. To indicate the end of an embargo period, use Available. false true DataCite
51 Controlled access in force The date the resource is made available under controlled access of some form. May be a range. To indicate the end of such a period, use Available. false false ECRIN
13 Copyrighted The specific, documented date at which the resource receives a copyrighted status, if applicable. false false DataCite
14 Collected The date or date range in which the resource content was collected. To indicate precise or particular timeframes in which research was conducted. false true DataCite
15 Created The date the resource itself was put together; this could be a date range or a single date for a final component, e.g., the finalised file with all of the data. Recommended for discovery. false true DataCite
16 Issued The date that the resource is published or distributed e.g. to a data centre. false false DataCite
17 Submitted The date the creator submits the resource to the publisher. This could be different from Accepted if the publisher then applies a selection process. Recommended for discovery. false true DataCite
18 Updated The date of the last update to the resource, when the resource is being added to. May be a range. false true DataCite
19 Valid The date or date range during which the dataset or resource is accurate. false false DataCite
52 PubMed citation created The date in the Pubmed XML, in the element 'DateCreated'. true false PubMed
53 PubMed citation revised The date in the Pubmed XML, in the element 'DateRevised'. true false PubMed
54 PubMed citation completed The date in the Pubmed XML, in the element 'DateCompleted'. true false PubMed
55 E-published Date of electronic publication. true false PubMed
56 P-published Date of print publication. true false PubMed
57 Revised Date an article was revised in publication by the authors. true false PubMed
58 E-published ahead of print publication Date an article was published electronically, ahead of print publication (PubMed date category). true false PubMed
59 Retracted Date the publisher retracted an article or a resource. true false PubMed
60 Added to e-collection Date an article was included in an electronic collection (similar to an issue). true false PubMed
61 Added to PMC Date article was added to PMC. true false PubMed
62 Added to Pubmed Date the citation was added to PubMed, unless the citation is added to PubMed more than twelve months since the date of publication. In that case, the PubMed date is set to the date of publication. true false PubMed
63 Added to Medline Date the citation completed Medline processing. Up until the citation has been indexed for Medline, the Medline date is the same as the Entrez date. true false PubMed
64 PMC embargo release Date a full-text article was released from embargo in PubMed Central (PMC). true false PubMed
65 Added to Entrez Date when PubMed entry entered into the e-utils Entrez system. true false PubMed
90 Other Date type not defined elsewhere. false true ECRIN
0 Not yet known Dummy value supplied by default on entity creation. false false ECRIN