Aggregating Data
The program takes all the data within the ad tables in the various source databases and loads it to central tables within the mdr database, dealing with multiple entries for studies and creating the link data information between studies and data objects. The aggregated data is held within tables in the st (study), ob (object) and nk (links) schemas. A fourth schema, 'core' is then populated as a direct import from the others, to provide a single simplified mdr dataset that can be exported to other systems.
Note that the aggregation process starts from scratch each time - there is no attempt to edit existing data. All of the central tables in the st, ob and nk schemas are dropped and then re-created during the main aggregation processes (triggered by -D). All of the core tables are dropped and re-created when the data is transferred to the core schema (triggered by -C). This makes each aggregation longer (it takes about 1 hour in total) but simplifies the processes involved, allowing a focus on the aggregation itself, without a need to consider updates and edits, and it makes the system much easier to maintain.
Although an aggregation can be run at any time it makes most sense to do so after the following sequence of events:
- Downloads are run for all data sources to get the local source file collections as up to date as possible.
- Contextual data is updated and / or augmented, so far as resources and time allow. (This is a gradual process).
- Harvests and imports are run for all study based sources to get the 'baseline' study data as up to date as possible, in each of the study source databases.
- Harvests and imports are run for all object based sources to get additional data object data as up to date as possible, in each of the object source databases.
In other words the aggregation module should be scheduled to run after the application of all other modules.
One important difference between the data in the central mdr tables and that in the source databases concerns the id fields used for both studies and data objects. In the source databases, these ids are called sd_sid (source data study id) and sd_oid (source data object id) respectively. sd_sid values are usually trial registry ids, or sometimes data repository accession numbers. sd_oids are usually constructed hash values, or in the case of journal papers PubMed ids. It is true that the records in the sd and ad schemas in the source databases also have an integer id, but this is a simple identity column and has no significance other than as a counter, a way of breaking up records into groups, by id, if and when necessary. The values are not transferred from the sd to the ad tables during the import process, or from the ad tables to the central tables during aggregation. The 'true' identifiers for the records, which of course are transferred, are in the sd_sid or sd_oid fields.
Because they are always source specific the sd_sid / sd_oid fields cannot, however, be guaranteed to be unique across all studies or objects (even though, in practice, at the moment they are). More fundamentally, because an MDR study entry (and in the future a data object entry) may be derived from more than one study (or object) it does not make sense to use one particular id to identify that study (or object). The ids used for both studies and objects in the central tables are therefore integers, and the system drops the sd_sids and sd_oids from the table data, although they are retained in the links tables. As a bonus the use of integer ids normally produces much faster processing than using strings, which given the size of some of the tables in the system is a non-trivial issue. The way in which the ids for studies and data objects are generated is described in the sections below. It is true that the attribute table records in the core database also have identity integer ids, but again these have no significance other than as a record label (e.g. to quickly locate a particular attribute record if the need for that arose).
Because the aggregation process starts from a 'blank canvas' each time, and re-creates all the tables each time, there are two important consequences:
- The ids given for studies and data objects are not consistent in different versions of the aggregated data. They are consistent internally in any one version - but not across versions.
- The ids given for studies and data objects cannot therefore be public identifiers, and so should never be exposed to users.
It should be possible to develop systems to generate permanent accession numbers, if that is required in the future, but for the moment it is important to be aware of this property of the ids in the central mdr system.
N.B. The aggregation code can be found at
The program is a console app, to enable it to be more easily scheduled. There are a variety of flag type parameters, that can be used alone or in combination (though only some combinations make sense). These include:
-D: which indicates that the aggregating data transfer should take place, from the source ad tables to the tables in the st (studies), ob (objects) and nk (links) schemas. This is the necessary first step of the aggregation process.
-C: indicates that the core tables should be created and filled from the aggregate tables, i.e. data is combined from the st, ob and nk schemas in to a single, simpler core schema.
-J: indicates that the core data be used to create JSON versions of the data within the core database.
-F: indicates that the core data should be used to create JSON files of two types, one for each study and another for each data object. It has no effect unless the -J parameter is also supplied.
-S: collects statistics about the existing data, from both the ad tables and the central aggregated tables.
-Z: zips the json files created by the -F parameter into a series of zip files, with up to 100,000 files in each. This is for ease of transfer to other systems.
The -S parameter can be provided at any time or on its own. It makes little sense to trigger the other processes without an initial call using -D. A -C call would then normally follows, and then -J (-F), and finally -Z. The system can cope with multiple parameters, and applies them in the order given: -D -C -J -F -S -Z. It is easier to see what is happening, however, to make multiple calls to the program working through the parameter list as described.
The Aggregation Process
Initial Setup
The main aggregation process, as triggered by -D, begins with the creation of a new set of central tables in the st, ob and nk schemas. Two key tables created in the nk schema are nk.all_ids_studies and nk.all_ids_data_objects. These tables hold the data that links the ids used in the source databases to those used in the mdr databases, for studies and objects respectively.
public void create_table_all_ids_studies() { string sql_string = @"CREATE TABLE nk.all_ids_studies( id INT NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY (START WITH 3000001 INCREMENT BY 1) PRIMARY KEY , study_id INT NULL , source_id INT NULL , sd_sid VARCHAR NULL , is_preferred BOOLEAN NULL , datetime_of_data_fetch TIMESTAMPTZ NULL ); CREATE INDEX study_all_ids_studyid ON nk.all_ids_studies(study_id); CREATE INDEX study_all_ids_sdsidsource ON nk.all_ids_studies(source_id, sd_sid);"; using (var conn = new NpgsqlConnection(db_conn)) { conn.Execute(sql_string); } } public void create_table_all_ids_data_objects() { string sql_string = @"CREATE TABLE nk.all_ids_data_objects( id INT NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY (START WITH 10000001 INCREMENT BY 1) PRIMARY KEY , object_id INT NULL , source_id INT NOT NULL , sd_oid VARCHAR NULL , parent_study_source_id INT NULL , parent_study_sd_sid VARCHAR NULL , parent_study_id INT NULL , is_preferred_study BOOLEAN NULL , datetime_of_data_fetch TIMESTAMPTZ NULL ); CREATE INDEX object_all_ids_objectid ON nk.all_ids_data_objects(object_id); CREATE INDEX object_all_ids_sdidsource ON nk.all_ids_data_objects(source_id, sd_oid);"; using (var conn = new NpgsqlConnection(db_conn)) { conn.Execute(sql_string); } }
After setting up the tables the program interrogates the mon database to retrieve a set of 'Source' objects, each one corresponding to a source database. The list is in order of decreasing 'preference', where preference indicates the usefulness of the source as the primary data source for duplicated studies (see the Preferred Source concept section in Study-study links). It runs through those sources to first obtain a list of the 'other registry ids' in each database. In other words it builds up a list of all studies that are found in more than one data source. About 25,000 studies are registered in 2 registries and about another 1,000 are registered in 3 or more registries. The details of the process are provided in Study-study links, but the outcome is a list of ordered study pairs, with each duplicated study indicating the 'more preferred' version of its data source.
Some studies (several hundred) have more complex relationships - for example are registered in two registries but in one of those are entered as a group of related studies rather than having a simple 1-to-1 relationship with the other registry study. These are removed and instead added to the study-study relationship data. Again the details are in Study-study links.
Armed with the study linkage data, the system can begin the data transfer to the central mdr database.
Overview of Process
The aggregation process is summarised by the high level loop below. For each source:
- The ad schema of the source database is linked as a foreign table wrapper (FTW) in the mdr database. The schema name returned from this process is always <database name>_ad, e.g. ctg_ad, isrctn_ad, etc. It is required for future use in SQL commands.
- A connection string for the source database is created for future use
if the source has study tables (i.e. is a study based source)
- The study ids are retrieved from the source database, and processed to see which are new and which correspond to studies already in the central mdr database.
- As part of that processing, the source data study ids (the string sd_sids) are replaced by integer ids that are unique across the whole MDR system.
- The data for the studies and their attributes is added to the st schema tables in the mdr db
- The object ids are retrieved and linked to the studies using the mdr ids for studies rather than the original source based ones.
- The string source data object ids (sd_oids) are replaced by integer ids
else, if an object based data source
- the object ids are retrieved and linked to studies using source-specific processes
- The string source data object ids (sd_oids) are replaced by integer ids
In either case...
- The data for data objects and their attributes is transferred to the ob schema tables in the mdr db
- The relationship between old (sd_sid and sd_oid) ids and new integer ids in the central system is retained in link tables in the nk schema. This link data is created in the id processing steps above.
- The foreign table wrapper for the source database is dropped.
foreach (Source s in sources) { string schema_name = repo.SetUpTempFTW(s.database_name); string conn_string = logging_repo.FetchConnString(s.database_name); DataTransferBuilder tb = new DataTransferBuilder(s, schema_name, conn_string, logging_repo); if (s.has_study_tables) { tb.ProcessStudyIds(); tb.TransferStudyData(); tb.ProcessStudyObjectIds(); } else { tb.ProcessStandaloneObjectIds(); } tb.TransferObjectData(); repo.DropTempFTW(s.database_name); }
Processing Study Ids
For each source, the initial step is to set up a temporary table to hold the study ids (temp_study_ids). The next step is then to fetch those study ids, as well as the datetime_of_data_fetch field, from the source data, also including the source id in the collection of StudyId objects created. This data is transferred to the temporary table. Note that the temporary table has the same structure as the permanent all_ids_studies table. Later on the temp_study_ids data will be transferred to that permanent table - but not before some records have been modified.
public void SetUpTempStudyIdsTable() { using (var conn = new NpgsqlConnection(connString)) { string sql_string = @"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS nk.temp_study_ids; CREATE TABLE nk.temp_study_ids( study_id INT , source_id INT , sd_sid VARCHAR , is_preferred BOOLEAN , datetime_of_data_fetch TIMESTAMPTZ ); "; conn.Execute(sql_string); } } public IEnumerable<StudyId> FetchStudyIds(int source_id, string source_conn_string) { using (var conn = new NpgsqlConnection(source_conn_string)) { string sql_string = @"select " + source_id.ToString() + @" as source_id, sd_sid, datetime_of_data_fetch from ad.studies"; return conn.Query<StudyId>(sql_string); } } public ulong StoreStudyIds(PostgreSQLCopyHelper<StudyId> copyHelper, IEnumerable<StudyId> entities) { // stores the study id data in a temporary table using (var conn = new NpgsqlConnection(connString)) { conn.Open(); return copyHelper.SaveAll(conn, entities); } }
The data in the temporary table is checked against the study_study links table. If any study id corresponds to a study already in the the system, it will appear in the left hand side of the study-study links table (source_id and sd_id). The corresponding preferred id, and source id, will be in the right hand side of this table (preferred_source_id and preferred_sd_sid). That preferred source_id / sd_sid will also exist in the all_ids_studies table. This is because the sources are aggregated 'most preferred first', so the more preferred version can be guaranteed to be present. That source_id / sd_sid combination will have an integer study_id, created when the data was first transferred to the all_ids_studies table, and that value is used to update the corresponding field in the temp_study_ids field. At the same time the study is marked as 'a non-preferred duplicate' by setting the is_preferred field to false.
public void CheckStudyLinks() { using (var conn = new NpgsqlConnection(connString)) { string sql_string = @"UPDATE nk.temp_study_ids t SET study_id = s.study_id, is_preferred = false FROM nk.study_study_links k INNER JOIN nk.all_ids_studies s ON k.preferred_sd_sid = s.sd_sid AND k.preferred_source_id = s.source_id WHERE t.sd_sid = k.sd_sid AND t.source_id = k.source_id;"; int res = db.ExecuteSQL(sql_string); ... ...
In the case of the first and largest source ( there will obviously be no existing study Id data and (because it is the most preferred of all the data sources) no matching record on the left hand side of the study links table. The update above therefore has no effect and no records are updated. For later sources some - usually a small majority - of the studies - will be updated to include a pre-existing study_id.
A small table - nk.existing_studies - is then created that just lists the sd_sid and study_id values of these 'pre-existing' studies - it will be useful later on.
... sql_string = @"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS nk.existing_studies; CREATE TABLE nk.existing_studies as SELECT sd_sid, study_id FROM nk.temp_study_ids WHERE is_preferred = false"; db.ExecuteSQL(sql_string); } }
Now the temp_study_ids are imported into the permanent all_ids_studies table. In doing so, all records are provided with an id because that is an identity column. The newly added records are updated so that those that do not already have a study_id are given the identity id as their study_id. At the same time the is_preferred field is set to true, to indicate that this is the first time this study has been added to the system. Because it is usually easier to work with the smaller temp_study_ids table than the all_ids_studies, the temporary table is 'back-filled' from the permanent data, so that the study_ids that were null there now hold the values in the corresponding permanent table rows, which in this case are the same as the identity values.
public void UpdateAllStudyIdsTable(int source_id) { using (var conn = new NpgsqlConnection(connString)) { // Add the new study id records to the all Ids table string sql_string = @"INSERT INTO nk.all_ids_studies (study_id, source_id, sd_sid, datetime_of_data_fetch, is_preferred) select study_id, source_id, sd_sid, datetime_of_data_fetch, is_preferred from nk.temp_study_ids"; conn.Execute(sql_string); // Where the study_ids are null they can take on the value of the // record id. sql_string = @"UPDATE nk.all_ids_studies SET study_id = id, is_preferred = true WHERE study_id is null AND source_id = " + source_id.ToString(); conn.Execute(sql_string); // 'Back-update' the study temp table using the newly created study_ids // now all should be done... sql_string = @"UPDATE nk.temp_study_ids t SET study_id = a.study_id, is_preferred = true FROM nk.all_ids_studies a WHERE t.source_id = a.source_id AND t.sd_sid = a.sd_sid AND t.study_id is null;"; conn.Execute(sql_string); } }
The study ids have now ben processed and the various tables formed can be used to support the transfer of the study data.
Transferring the Study Data
Transferring the studies themselves is straightforward. A main study record can only have one data source. If a study is new the study record is transferred. If it is a duplicate it is ignored. The selection can be done by linking the source data to the temp_study_ids table where is_preferred is true. Note that the ExecuteTransferSQL function is used again to 'chunk' the transfer process if too many records are involved. Note also that with this and every other transfer the source records are updated with the datetime of the aggregation process. (This update is applied whether or not the data is used).
public void LoadStudies(string schema_name) { // Insert the study data unless it is already in under another // id (i.e. t.is_preferred = false). string sql_string = @"INSERT INTO st.studies(id, display_title, title_lang_code, brief_description, bd_contains_html, data_sharing_statement, dss_contains_html, study_start_year, study_start_month, study_type_id, study_status_id, study_enrolment, study_gender_elig_id, min_age, min_age_units_id, max_age, max_age_units_id) SELECT t.study_id, s.display_title, s.title_lang_code, s.brief_description, s.bd_contains_html, s.data_sharing_statement, s.dss_contains_html, s.study_start_year, s.study_start_month, s.study_type_id, s.study_status_id, s.study_enrolment, s.study_gender_elig_id, s.min_age, s.min_age_units_id, s.max_age, s.max_age_units_id FROM nk.temp_study_ids t INNER JOIN " + schema_name + @".studies s on t.sd_sid = s.sd_sid WHERE t.is_preferred = true "; int res = db.ExecuteTransferSQL(sql_string, schema_name, "studies", "new studies"); StringHelpers.SendFeedback("Loaded records - " + res.ToString() + " studies, new studies"); // Note that the statement below also updates studies that are not added as new // (because they equate to existing studies) but which were new in the // source data. db.Update_SourceTable_ExportDate(schema_name, "studies"); }
For the study attributes things are more complex. If a study is new to the system all its attributes are simply added to the system. If the study is a duplicate however, its attributes may or may not already be in the system. The new data belonging to these studies must therefore be compared to the existing data for these stuides, using a few key fields, and only added if no match is found. In the code below, using study identifiers as an example,
public void LoadStudyIdentifiers(string schema_name) { string destination_field_list = @"study_id, identifier_type_id, identifier_org_id, identifier_org, identifier_value, identifier_date, identifier_link "; string source_field_list = @" s.identifier_type_id, s.identifier_org_id, s.identifier_org, s.identifier_value, s.identifier_date, s.identifier_link "; // For 'preferred' study Ids add all identifiers. string sql_string = @"INSERT INTO st.study_identifiers(" + destination_field_list + @") SELECT k.study_id, " + source_field_list + @" FROM nk.temp_study_ids k INNER JOIN " + schema_name + @".study_identifiers s on k.sd_sid = s.sd_sid WHERE k.is_preferred = true "; int res = db.ExecuteTransferSQL(sql_string, schema_name, "study_identifiers", "new studies"); StringHelpers.SendFeedback("Loaded records - " + res.ToString() + " study_identifiers, new studies"); // For 'existing studies' study Ids add only new identifiers. sql_string = @"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS nk.source_data; CREATE TABLE nk.source_data as SELECT es.study_id, d.* FROM " + schema_name + @".study_identifiers d INNER JOIN nk.existing_studies es ON d.sd_sid = es.sd_sid"; db.ExecuteSQL(sql_string); sql_string = @"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS nk.existing_data; CREATE TABLE nk.existing_data as SELECT es.sd_sid, es.study_id, c.identifier_type_id, c.identifier_value FROM st.study_identifiers c INNER JOIN nk.existing_studies es ON c.study_id = es.study_id;"; db.ExecuteSQL(sql_string); sql_string = @"INSERT INTO st.study_identifiers(" + destination_field_list + @") SELECT s.study_id, " + source_field_list + @" FROM nk.source_data s LEFT JOIN nk.existing_data e ON s.sd_sid = e.sd_sid AND s.identifier_type_id = e.identifier_type_id AND s.identifier_value = e.identifier_value WHERE e.study_id is null "; res = db.ExecuteTransferSQL(sql_string, schema_name, "study_identifiers", "existing studies"); StringHelpers.SendFeedback("Loaded records - " + res.ToString() + " study_identifiers, existing studies"); db.ExecuteSQL("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS nk.source_data;"); db.ExecuteSQL("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS nk.existing_data;"); db.Update_SourceTable_ExportDate(schema_name, "study_identifiers"); }
Aggregating Object Data
The link between data objects and studies - found within the source data object data - is transferred to link tables. The 'parent study' id is transformed into its most 'preferred' form if and when necessary, to ensure that the links work properly in the aggregated system. Also transferred to link tables is the provenance data that indicates when each study and data object was last retrieved from the source. For sources where there are no studies - just data objects - the process is necessarily different. It must also follow after the aggregation of study data, to ensure that all studies are in the central system. This only applies to PubMed data at the moment. For PubMed, the links between the PubMed data and the studies are first identified. Two sources are used - the 'bank id' data within the PubMed data itself, referring to trial registry ids, and the 'source id' data in the study based sources, where references are provided to relevant papers. These two sets of data are combined and de-duplicated, and two final sets of data are created: the distinct list of PubMed data objects, and the list of links between those objects and studies. Unlike most data objects in the study based resources, PubMed data objects can be linked to multiple studies, and of course studies may have multiple article references. The linkage is therefore complex and requires considerable additional processing.
Creating the Core Tables
Most of the other options provided by the program are relatively simple and self contained. The -C option copies the data from the aggregating schema (st, ob, and nk) to the core schema without any processing, other than creating the provenance strings for both studies and data objects. The latter may be composite if more than one source was involved.