Background and History

Revision as of 14:22, 28 October 2020 by Admin (talk | contribs) (Initial Planning, 2016-2017)
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Initial Planning, 2016-2017

Beginning in 2016, ECRIN's work within the H2020 CORBEL project, in particular the leadership of a group looking at 'data sharing' issues within clinical research, highlighted the need to improve the FAIRness of clinical research data. It became clear that if researchers made more and more data objects available to others, as they were being encouraged to do, those objects would often be in a wide variety of places and available under a wide range of conditions. Even discovering where the various data objects associated with a study were located might become difficult and time-consuming, and therefore costly, and once found there would be the additional problem of understanding how to access them - because many such objects would only be available under controlled access. The concept of a 'metadata repository', that could bring all this discoverability, access and provenance (DAP) metadata together, evolved out of these concerns.
The initial task was seen as the creation of a metadata schema that focused on the required discoverability, access and provenance data points. The first version of such a schema [1] was published in late 2016.

The XDC project and the pilot MDR, 2018-2020

The European Open Science Cloud and the MDR, 2020 onwards

The current progress of the project within EOSC life is tabulated in Progress (EOSC Life)


  1. Jump up Canham, S., Ohmann, C. A metadata schema for data objects in clinical research. Trials 17, 557 (2016).