Contact us
Contacting us
if you...
- Have any suggestions or comments about the MDR
- Have found errors we should know about
- Would like to ensure your data is included in the MDR
- State you do not want your data in the MDR (we hope not)
- Would like to be involved in the MDR's development
- Would like to arrange a demonstration or discussion
or indeed would like to talk to us for any other reason,
please contact us
One of will try to get back to you as soon as we can.
Who are 'us'?
The team responsible for the MDR all work for ECRIN, as employees or consultants. They are
Professor Christian Ohmann - Overall co-ordination of the MDR project
Steve Canham - Data scientist responsible for data collection and extraction
Sergey Goryanin - Data scientist responsible for the web portal and data indexing
Maria Panagiotopoulou - ECRIN's data projects manager
Mihaela Matei - ECRIN's legal and regulatory officer
Jacques Demotes - Director General of ECRIN