Language usage types

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Last updated: 19/04/2022

There are three possible relationships between text (for example of a title, or description) can be related to the language in which it is couched. These are independent of the language itself. They are listed below:

id name description source
11 Original in English Originally written in English. ECRIN
12 Translated Translated into this language (almost always English). ECRIN
13 Transliterated Transliterated into Latin characters in this language. ECRIN
21 Original (explicitly non English) Explicitly listed as a title or text 'in the vernacular'. ECRIN
22 Original (presumed non English) Presumed as a non English title or text from context or content. ECRIN
0 Not yet known Dummy value supplied by default on entity creation. ECRIN

At present these types are used only in relation to (study and object) titles.