Summary Tables

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Last updated: 20/09/2022

These two tables, one for the study schema and the second for the Data Object schema, provide a quick summary of the data points in the schemas. They should be read in conjunction with the detailed schema description.

The Study schema

Mandatory Recommended Optional
A. The Source Study
A.1 Display Title
{display title, language code }

A.8 Study Type

A.9 Study Status

A.14 Linked Data Objects
{object identifiers}

A.15 Provenance String

A.2 Study Identifiers *
{identifier type , Identifier value, source organisation, date, url link}

A4. Brief Description

A.6 Study Features *
{feature type , feature value }
A.7 Study Topics *
{topic type , mesh coded?, mesh code , mesh value, original controlled terminology (CT), CT code , original value}
A.19 Study Contributors *
{contribution type, name type, person details OR organisation }
For person details and organisation fields see C.2 below
A.16 Study Countries *
{country geonames id ,country}
A.18 Study Start Time
{month, year}

A3. Study Titles *
{title text, title type , language code , comments}

A5. Data Sharing Statement

A10. Study Enrolment

A11. Study Gender Eligibility

A12. Min and Max Ages
{age, age units}

A13. Inter-study relationships *
{relationship type , target study}

A.17 Study Sites *
{facility, city geonames id , city, country geonames id , country, status }

* May be repeated Categorised value

The Data Object schema

Mandatory Recommended Optional
B. Data Object Identifiers

B.2 Display Title

B.6 Linked Studies *
{study identifiers}

B.7 Provenance String

B.3 Version B.4 Object Identifiers *
{Identifier type , Identifier value, source organisation, application date}

B.5 Object Titles *
{title text, title type , language code , comments }

C. Creators and Contributors
C.1 Creators *
{name type, person details OR organisation}

Used mostly for the authors of journal articles - most other objects do not have named creators.

person details = given name, family name, full name, ORCID identifier, affiliation string, affiliation organisation (id, name, ROR id)
organisation = organisation default name, MDR id and ROR id, if applicable
C.2 Contributors *
{contribution type , name type, person details OR organisation }

For most data objects contributors will be the contributors to the associated study or studies.
D. Object Dates
D.1 Publication Year D.2 Dates *
{date type , Is range, date as string, start year, start month, start day, end year, end month, end day, comments}
E. Object Attributes and Descriptors
E.1 Class

E.2 Type
E.3 Record key type (datasets only)
{type , text description}

E.4 De-identification level (datasets only)
{type , specific actions, text description}

E.5 Associated consent (datasets only)
{type , specific restrictions, text description}

E.6 Description *
{description type , label, description text, language code}

E.7 EOSC Category

E.8 Language

E.9 Inter-object relationships *
{ relationship type , target object}

E.10 Topics (of data object) *
{topic type , mesh coded?, mesh code , mesh value, original controlled terminology (CT), CT code , original value}

For most data objects topics should be the study topics.
Journal articles will normally have their own listed topics

F. Object Location and Access Details
F.1 Managing Organisation

F.2 Access Type

F.3 Access Details
{description, url of details, date url last checked}

F.4 Physical Resources *
{repository organisation, resource url , url accessible?, date url last checked, resource type , resource size, size units, comments }

(F3 is mandatory if access is non-public)

F.5 Rights
{name, rights uri, comments}

* May be repeated Categorised value